Student Solution


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Week 3 Discussion_environmental sociology

Week 3 Discussion_environmental sociology

Q Analyze a recent plant closing in any area in the United States from the perspective of the treadmill of production. Pay particular attention to the possible sidelining of environmental concerns in any public debate of the closing. Provide details on how community members forged new bonds and became engaged in political processes. Report on groups that worked on legislation. Mention the legislation and its consequences. To get started, read the following Social Action Case Study (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. One you have completed the reading, provide a summary and action plan based on evidence from the case study and the assigned reading for this week. You must include specific examples and a clear recommendation as part of your response.

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The given case concerning the food production shows how the meat production may adversely affect the animals and the humans along with it. As humans, meat consumption is a part of our food chain and the rise of CAFO which is an abbreviation of concentrated animal feeding operations which is basically a way to produce more meat by feeding the animals forcefully. In this way production of meat will increase with few number of animals. This trend grew with the farming of the hogs. This type of force feeding farming is slowly tightening up its grip as the bigger companies are getting the control over the farms.